When you are making your big move across the Pacific, one unavoidable reality is the fact that you need to arrange for car shipping to Hawaii. Getting a car across an ocean is no small feat, and dealing with port authorities and ship captains is too logistically complex to be considered.

Hawaii Car Shipping Services: Your Ticket to Transportation in the Aloha State

If the thought of trying to ship your car to Hawaii makes your palms sweaty, never fear: the process of getting your car across the sea is straightforward and involves no realistic risk. You’re moving to Hawaii; you have enough on your plate without trying to handle all the nuances of moving your car. Car shipping to Hawaii is something best left to the experts, and fortunately there are Hawaii moving companies that can make the process of transporting your car totally painless and worry free.

Why Not Just Buy a Car in Hawaii?

You may be wondering why you need to bother shipping your car. Surely it’s easier and more cost effective to just get a new car when you arrive?

It’s important to consider the fact that there is no automobile manufacturing in Hawaii, so every car that is there has already been shipped overseas, and the cost of that shipping is built into the price. The price of a new car in Hawaii is often $2000 to $5000 more than an equivalent model on the mainland, and sometimes the difference is even more. The difference in price for used vehicles is equally sharp. Part of the reason for this is the strong demand for rental vehicles from tourists in Hawaii, as vehicles hold their value well in Hawaii’s car market. So in order to save money, shipping your car will be a better choice.

In addition, if you leave your car behind, you will have to deal with the hassle of selling it before you can move. While not the end of the world, it’s a fair amount of bother; ultimately shipping your car may also prove to be the less disruptive choice, in addition to being less expensive.

How Do I Ship My Car to Hawaii?

To begin with, call a Hawaii car shipping service for a quote and to make sure you understand the ins and outs of the process. Vehicle shipment often works on a precise schedule and, like it or not, you will have to accommodate that in order to make the process go well.

Choose an auto shipping company with great customer service and plenty of experience shipping cars. Many companies offer a free quote as well, so get a feel for

Once you have your Hawaii car transport company selected, you will need to make sure your car is ship shape. More on that later. In the mean time, you will need to find out a day and time by which your car needs to arrive at the shipyard in order to be ready for transport. Knowing this will give you a timeframe into which to fit the other aspects of preparing your car for the shipping process.

Preparing To Have Your Car Shipped To Hawaii

shipyards are busy and confusing, get a professional car transporting company to move your car to Hawaii

Depending on your starting location, you might need to begin the process of having your car shipped well in advance. Clearly it takes longer for a car to get to Hawaii from Cincinatti than from Oakland, California. If you are far from the west coast, it could take a few days’ drive to drop it off at the port. Knowing this will help you know when to begin the other processes that are also necessary.

Do You Have Your Paperwork?

Make sure you have your title and a safety inspection certificate in order to satisfy shipping company policy. If you are not the only person named on the title (for example, if your spouse is also named), that person may need to be present.

In addition, if your car is not paid off yet, you will need a lien holder authorization letter saying that you have permission to ship the car overseas. This process should not take too long but it doesn’t do to put it off until the last minute. Talk to your auto dealership to make sure everything is squared away.

Remove All Personal Items

Our cars are often a microcosm of our lives… but when it comes to shipping them to Hawaii, they need those personal touches to be removed. These rules may vary by your shipping service, but in general you can bring only one hundred pounds of belongings in the car, and all must be securely stowed in the trunk.

So plan on removing infant car seats and jumper cables. Depending on how it is stowed you may get away with having your spare tire and tire iron and your floor mats can be rolled up in the trunk, but your receipt collection, barbecue sauce packets, phone charger and neck pillow should probably go somewhere else.

Gas Tank Considerations

Best industry practice is to limit the gas tank to being one quarter full or less. This may run contrary to your desire to feel prepared, but because the vehicle may be exposed to high temperatures in transit, it is considerably safer to ship all vehicles with as little fuel as possible.

Vehicle Repair Concerns

Many shipping companies strongly prefer that your car not be leaking fluids, so verify this with the representative when you call. In addition, for safety during shipping, it is important that the emergency brake be in operable condition. Even though you will need a current vehicle safety inspection certificate in order to ship your car, make sure that nothing bad has happened to these systems since the inspection took place.

When the Time Comes: Sending Your Car to Hawaii

Once all of the above items have been taken care of it’s time to get your car to port. If you already live on the west coast of the US this process may be as simple as driving to the port and catching a taxi back. If not, you may choose to send your car to port by auto truck.

If you choose this option you will need to give plenty of time for the trucker to get your car to the port. This could take days depending on your location, so pay attention to when your car is supposed to go on the ship and adjust your trucking arrangements accordingly.

Arrival at the Port

Most Hawaii car shipping departs from a California port, like Oakland or Long Beach. When the car reaches one of the mainland ports from which Hawaii car shipping can depart, it will need to be put in a container with all relevant paperwork and the owner’s name and contact information clearly displayed on the outside to avoid confusion. Typically there is a strict weekly schedule that must be followed, so if your vehicle arrives a few hours too late, it may have to wait another week for the next ship.

Port to Port: How Long Does it Take to Transport a Car to Hawaii?

Expect transit times in the range of a week or more at sea, plus the time it takes to get it to port if you live more than a few hours from the west coast. If your company cannot ship to the particular island that you will be living on, it may also need to be ferried from the port of arrival to yet another dock before it reaches its new home in your driveway.

Delays can occur, however, so make yourself aware of local car rental services in Hawaii in case you end up having to wait some extra time before your car can reach you.

Welcome Home: Once You and Your Car Have Arrived in Hawaii

Once your Hawaii auto transport experience has come to a happy conclusion, you will need to take care of a few details in your new state. Within thirty days you will have to get your new driver’s license and vehicle registration, which will mean getting your car inspected to ensure compliance with Hawaii’s safety standards.

Adventure in the Aloha State

Moving to Hawaii is a difficult task, with lots of important steps that must be taken. Advance planning and the right professionals to help are both crucial to make the experience as smooth as possible. Let a Hawaii shipping company bring your car and your belongings across the sea to your new home; you will find that you had no reason to be nervous, as all of the difficulties that you imagined are handled by those who have devoted their careers to making the process as easy as possible.

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